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About US

“Each child is unique, as is their unrepeatable path and success story.”​

One Plus International is a boutique education counseling company in Hong Kong since 2018. We focus on the UK, USA, Canada, and Hong Kong private high school and university applications.

We partner with former admissions officers, university professors, well recognized high school guidance counselors, highly connected Ivy league alumni. Together, we help students bridge gaps in Easten-Western education; find their unique path and direction in secondary, university study abroad, and beyond!




Meet Our Team / 顾问团队

Partner & Counselor



Partner,Senior College Counselor / 合伙人,资深申学顾问

Oxford (MA), University of Hong Kong (PGDE), has been helping students and their families find the higher education courses and pathways that are best for them since 2010. As the Head of University Guidance at the German Swiss International School (GSIS) in Hong Kong since 2012, she has worked with students accepted into the most selective and recognised universities in the world – as well as those who choose a quirkier and more individual path. 

At GSIS, Sue advised students and families planning higher education pathways around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Central Europe. Over that time she worked with IB, A-Level and Abitur curriculum students.

A committed university guidance professional, she is a member of the International Association of College Admissions Counselors (IACAC) and has attended and presented at industry conferences such as the Council of International Schools’ East Asia Regional Conference.

A member of the International ACAC governance and nominations committee.




任职德瑞国际期间, Sue为学生及其家庭提供全球范围内大学申请的建议及规划, 
这包括美国, 英国, 加拿大, 香港, 新加坡, 澳大利亚, 德国, 瑞士, 荷兰, 中欧等国家之大学。Sue精晓IB, A-Level, Abitur等课程, 熟悉如何引导选择该类课程的学生。

国际大学招生咨询师协会(IACAC)的成员,她经常参加诸如国际学校理事会东亚区域会议之类的行业会议并发表演讲. 現為国际ACAC管理和提名委员会委员.


Mentor Team / 导师团队



Senior Advisor

麻省理工 92 届 数学,政治科学 双学士
麻省理工校友面试官 ( 香港 )
曾在雷曼兄弟,瑞信,DLJ 工作 13 年,现任美国证券公司 Amherst 香港办事处负责人 (10 年 )
语言 : 英语
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1992 S.B. Mathematics. 1992 S.B. Political Science
Alumni Interviewer for MIT Applicants in Hong Kong
Amherst Pierpont International (14yrs) Head of Hong Kong Office
Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse, Donaldson, Lufkin, Jenrette, MBS Trading, Financial Sponsor Banker
Worked and lived in New York & Hong Kong


Academic Support /学术监督

“以其矛 攻其盾”



Academic Supervisor, SAT, ACT /学术监督/ 标化辅导

Lee is a Cornell University graduate with a Master’s Degree in Education (Curriculum and Instruction).  He has over twenty years of experience teaching writing, math, and other subjects at the secondary and post-secondary levels.  He has prepared hundreds of students for the SSAT, SHSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE, TOEFL, and the Executive Assessment Test (short form GMAT).  
毕业于康耐尓⼤学的⽶勒先⽣拥有教育(课程与 教学) 硕⼠学位, 他曾在哈佛⼤学教育研究⽣院 ⼯作, 曾在著名的教育机构⽪尔森下任职SAT ⽂书评分员. 
⽶勒先⽣拥有20多年的教学经验, 其中包括4年⾼中英语⽼师和3年的⼤专任教经历. 
作为有11年私教经验的⽼师, 他开发的以学⽣为中⼼的SAT/ACT学习⽅法, 能有效提⾼学⽣成绩20-25%. 
⽶勒先⽣知识丰富,教学⻛趣, 很受学⽣们的欢迎.

+852 3521 2888

Unit 2406B, 24/F, Low Block, Grand Millennium Plaza,

181 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

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